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时至今日,年轻人会在不同场合饮用不同饮料,百事可乐已不再是年轻人对饮料的不二之选。那么,如何通过创意将百事打造成年轻人心中酷的,时尚的,值得追随的品牌? 相对于其他人群,年轻人最爱在夜里出没、娱乐。尤其是夏季,他们会踢夜球、去夜跑、夜间露天聚餐、参加夜间音乐节…..但不幸的是,夏日夜晚,也是蚊子最爱出没的时段。不招待见的蚊虫让露天聚餐变得扫兴,让中场休息演变成挠痒时刻,严重影响年轻人夜嗨的兴致。 夜嗨的场景,很多都会出现饮料的身影。为何不可将随处可见的饮料瓶,打造成便捷的驱蚊载体?为此,我们特意推出“百事夜光驱蚊罐”。该罐采用特殊设计,logo部位混合了驱蚊香料以及夜光材质,不但可以起到驱蚊效果,同时罐身散发的夜光也将成为一道fashion的景象。百事驱蚊罐,夜嗨就现在! Nowadays, young adults would like to have different drinks in different occasions. As a result, Pepsi is not the only choice for them anymore. Then, how to make Pepsi as a cool , fashionable and worthy of following brand among young people ? Compared with other crowds, young adults prefer to hang out and have fun at night than at any other time. Especially in summer, they would like to play football, run, have an outdoor picnic or attend a music festival at night. But unfortunately, the mosquitos behave the most actively during the night.The unpopular mosquitos and insects make the picnic disappointing, cause the break to become a moment of scratching an itch, which affects the young people’s interests to have great fun at night seriously. Drinks will always be exposed to these situations. Why don’t we make the drink bottles which can be seen everywhere into a convenient mosquito carrier?Thus, we recommend ‘ Pepsi luminous mosquito repellent can’. The can uses special designs, and the location of LOGO mixes mosquito repellent spices with luminous materials, which can drive the mosquitos away effectively, meanwhile, the light emitted from the can will be a unique scene as well. Pepsi mosquito repellent can, live for now,enjoy your night.


