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因为饥饿会导致人们记忆力下降,反应迟钝,意识模糊等现象。我们将饥饿的人比作地球上某些夸张的动物,来展现人们饥饿时候的状态,不仅会影响到自身的学习还可能影响到身边的人,后果十分严重。然而士力架可以帮助大家横扫饥饿,使自己回到最好的状态。 Because of hunger to cause a decline in people memory, unresponsive, fuzzy phenomenon such as consciousness. We compared the hungry to some exaggerated animals on the earth, to show when hungry people of the state, not only affect their own learning may also affect the people around, a very grave consequences. Snickers can help you sweep hunger, however, to return to the best state.


