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古今中外,疫情灾难便与我们共生共存,人类在不断探索应对的方法:秦汉疠所、盛唐“方舱”、雅典火炬、巴黎熏香。直至今日,面对全球疫情,我们切身感受到人类休戚与共的命运共同体关系,全球共生抗疫,期待春暖花开 At all times and at home and abroad, the epidemic disaster has co-existed with us, and we are constantly exploring ways to deal with it: Qinghan and Han hapen, the "cabin" of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Torch of Athens and the incense of Paris. Today, in the face of the global epidemic, we are keenly aware of the community of Shared future in which mankind shares weal and woe. We are looking forward to a prosperous spring
