想不受伤?那就关窗!No injured?Often ventilated!

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她是一个非常美丽的女生,并且她是一个万人迷,她在外备受关注。可她宿舍里却乱糟糟的,垃圾随地都是,窗户紧闭。当她从外回来时进入房间觉,觉得空气混浊而无法呼吸,然后当场昏厥。该视频以该女生的生活片段出发,以夸张的手法阐述了不仅要注重个人形象更要注重自己家里整洁和通风的重要性。 She is a very beautiful girl, and she is a heartthrob, she gets a lot of attention outside. But her dorm room was a mess, strewn with trash and with Windows closed. When she came back from outside, she entered the room, felt the air was too thick to breathe, and then fainted on the spot. The video starts from the life of the girl, and expounds that we should not only pay attention to personal image, but also pay attention to indoor cleanliness and ventilation in your home.

女主角某天在宿舍中感到头晕、虚弱无力,连苹果都切不开。这时候舍友打开了窗户,空气流了进来,主角立刻恢复元气,并且徒手劈开了西瓜。视频以夸张手法同时说明了不通风的坏处以及室内通风的好处。 The heroine felt dizzy and weak in the dormitory one day and could not even cut the apple. At this time, the roommate opened the window, the air flowed in, the protagonist immediately regained his vitality, and split the watermelon freehand. The video illustrates the disadvantages of non-ventilation and the benefits of indoor ventilation in an exaggerated manner.

主角从外面回宿舍,她的身后悄悄跟了一个怀里抱着宝宝的女人,主角却完全看不见她。主角因为宿舍里有蚊子而关上窗,后出门,一回来却看见满屋子挤满了人,随着镜头展示了这些人背后贴着的“细菌”标签,揭晓了本视频拟人化的表达手法。警示在不通风情况下时的细菌和病毒的繁衍会十分快速的事实,从而倡导勤通风有益健康的观念。 The protagonist went back to the dormitory from outside, and behind her quietly followed a woman with a baby in her arms, but the protagonist could not see her at all. The protagonist closed the window because there were mosquitoes in the dormitory, and then went out. When he came back, he saw that the room was full of people. As the camera showed the "bacteria" label behind these people, the anthropomorphic expression of this video was revealed. . Warn about the fact that the proliferation of bacteria and viruses will be very fast when there is no ventilation, so as to promote the concept of frequent ventilation and health.


