手忙心不乱 Weak-Hand Campaign

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作品类别:广告创新 创意阐释:成年人在执行办公室任务时非惯用手的“无所事事”极易引发无意识的面部接触行为,将环境中的病毒带到了面部。我们通过以道具占据非惯用手的游戏内容来提醒热门减少非惯用手的面部接触,建立代替行为和形成新的障碍,阻断病毒的传播。 Category: Advertising innovation Creative interpretation: Adults who do nothing with their week hand while performing office tasks tend to engage in unconscious facial contact, bringing viruses from the environment to the face. By occupying week hand with items in the game, we remind people to reduce week-hand facial contact, establish alternative behaviors and create new barriers, and stop the spread of the virus.


