保持冷静Stay calm

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属于动画剧情类短片,创意来源于疫情期间大多数人的情绪波动以及焦虑而引起的过度恐慌的行为,在这个前提下我们制作了这个动画短片,希望可以用这一种方式来提醒大家在疫情期间保持冷静,减轻焦虑以免给自己造成不必要的困扰并且一直保持心情愉快。 Belong to the animation short drama, during the outbreak of inspiration from most people's mood swings and anxiety caused by the excessive panic behavior, in this premise we made this animated short, hope you can use this a way to remind everybody stay calm during outbreaks, relieve anxiety lest cause unnecessary trouble to oneself and always be happy.


