疫情实纪 / Coronavirus Documentary
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流言终结 / MYTH BUSTING———— “蔑” | 视频中我们用不同国家语言在纸上书写关于谣言、歧视的标语,选择了多个不同地点进行拍摄。视频末尾抛洒出标语的画面表现了我们反对歧视坚定的信念。 我们希望:世界各国人民理性对待谣言,积极团结起来对抗疫情,反对地区性的歧视不随意传播谣言。 "Virus Just Virus" | In the video, we wrote down the word “discrimination“ and “rumor” on tags in different languages. Holding these tags in the public represents that discrimination and rumors are everywhere around us. We should get information only from reliable sources and distinguish between myth and facts regarding the pandemic. Those tags were thrown to the sky. It is also our hope: to live in a world without discrimination and rumors. Everyone can do their part to stop the spreading of the coronavirus, as well as the spreading of discrimination and rumors. Don’t believe in rumors and don’t pass them to others. No myth, no discrimination, but united as one. We will overcome the pandemic.
社交距离 / PHYSICAL DISTANCING———— “控” | 我们以第一人称拍摄了一个普通男孩在疫情中一天的生活,他出门带上口罩,与他人保持距离,不堂食,回家洗手,在家里完成身体锻炼与在线学习。我们希望通过展示他一天的生活来告诫疫情肆虐地区的人们要注重个人卫生,通过洗手等方式注重生活中的细节来避免传染。作为中国青年,希望能通过我们在抗疫过程中积累下来的小经验帮助到大家。 "Keep Safe" | From the first-person perspective, we filmed a young man’s daily life during this pandemic. Wear a face mask when he goes out in public. Keep social distancing from other people outside of the home. Instead of going out for dining, food take-out or food delivery can also support your favorite restaurants. Wash hands with soap and water often, especially after been to a public place. The current global pandemic cannot stop us from learning. Remote learning platforms helped us keep in touch with teachers and schools to receive quality educations. In addition, doing exercise at home can help us to keep our mind and body healthy. By showing the young man’s daily life, we hope people can learn how to protect themselves and prevent getting sick.
传递善意 / KINDNESS CONTAGION———— “春” | 我们将此条短视频命名为“春”,在我们所居住的地方,疫情给带来的影响已经微乎其微。随着春天的来临,一切都欣欣向荣,人们似乎也回到了正常生活(虽然许多人还带着口罩)。孩子们在广场上玩耍,春天的色彩斑斓,这些内容是为了传递人与人之间的美好情感,表现疫情总会过去,激励世界人们积极抗疫,一切都会有过去的一天,一切都会像春天一样带给人们美好与希望。 "After That" | This video is named Spring. We, people in China, are gradually recovering from this pandemic. Spring has arrived. We are getting better and better. It seems like a normal daily life, even though people still keep their face masks on. Kids were playing in the park, enjoying the fresh air of the spring. Adults were walking on the trails, relieving their stresses and strains. We hope this colorful image of spring, especially at this unprecedented and challenging time, can bring kindness and goodwill to the world. We are all together as one to fight against the coronavirus disease. We will succeed.