The social distance of famous paintings 世界名画的社交距离
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The work is based on the theme of Jesus' last dinner with the twelve disciples in the last supper. It borrows the power of world famous paintings to warn people not to have dinner together and stay away from each other during the epidemic。 作品是由《最后的晚餐》中耶稣跟十二门徒共进最后一次晚餐为题材,借用了世界名画的力量告诫了人们在疫情期间不聚餐少聚集,保持社交距离。
The work is based on the interaction between Marius and the killer in the imprisoned Marius. The masked killer conveys that during the epidemic, people should try to minimize contact and maintain social distance。 作品是由《被囚禁的马里尤斯》中马里尤斯跟杀手的互动为题材,掩面的杀手传达了疫情期间应该尽量减少人与人的接触,保持社交距离。
The theme of the work is Napoleon's riding out scene in Napoleon's crossing the Alps. The purpose of binding the horse's hooves with iron chains is to convey that we should try not to go out and stay at home during the epidemic. 作品是由《拿破仑翻越阿尔卑斯山》中拿破仑骑马外出的场景为题材,用铁链将马蹄束缚住是为了传达疫情期间应该尽量不要外出,呆在家中。