Come on together(一起加油)
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Work category: Plane.(作品类别:平面类) Work description: call on everyone to start from their own, wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not gather. These are the most basic precautions. The center of the work USES text to form a very regular three-dimensional graphics, which reflects that the epidemic is orderly, this is also a safe area, we hope you comply. All around the red is a danger warning, I hope everyone in the small cube to comply with the rules, do not cross the line. (作品阐述:呼吁大家从自身做起,戴口罩,勤洗手,不集聚。这些都是最基本的防护措施。作品中心用文字部分组成一个很规矩的立体图形,它反映的就是疫情大家就规规矩矩,这也是个安全区域,希望大家遵守。四周的红色是一个危险警告,希望大家在中小立方里遵守规矩,不要越界。)