I did nothing

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As the global epidemic intensives, all kinds of comments and offensive language never cease. And some people who make offensive remarks always take the attitude of "it's none of your business, it's on the line", but in fact, in a community with a Shared future for mankind, no one can be completely separated from it. This is especially true in the Internet age, where words can be dangerous and we need to pay more attention to what energy we inject into the world. Just because you don't have a knife or a gun in your hand doesn't mean you don't have one. Offensive language is far more powerful than you think. So please stop using offensive language.As the global epidemic intensives, all kinds of comments and offensive language never cease. And some people who make offensive remarks always take the attitude of "it's none of your business, it's on the line", but in fact, in a community with a Shared future for mankind, no one can be completely separated from it. This is especially true in the Internet age, where words can be dangerous and we need to pay more attention to what energy we inject into the world. Just because you don't have a knife or a gun in your hand doesn't mean you don't have one. Offensive language is far more powerful than you think. So please stop using offensive language. 全球疫情加剧发展的同时,各种言论满天飞,攻击性语言也从未有过一刻消停。而有些发表攻击性言论的人,总是本着“事不关己,高高挂起”的态度,但其实,在人类命运共同体形势下,没有一个人能完全脱离开。互联网时代更是如此,在这里,言语可以是危险的,我们要更加注意自己注入到这个世界的是什么能量。手上没有拿着刀和枪,并不代表你的身上不存在刀和枪,攻击性语言的威力远比想象的大,矛头最终还是会指向自己。所以,请停止攻击性语言。


